Microdermabrasion is not the most invasive cosmetic procedure, but after it, your skin is likely to be sensitive for a while. Take good care of your skin after microdermabrasion and help it recover and look perfect. Avoid things that might irritate your skin, and pay attention to how to soothe the skin.
Minimize skin irritation.
Wash and moisturise your skin. Be sure to wash immediately after the procedure. This will remove any remaining crystals on your face.
Apply moisturising cream to the skin within 4-6 days after the treatment to prevent skin flaking.
Avoid direct sunlight if possible. Every three hours, reapply the sunscreen until the skin has fully recovered.
Avoid any physical activity for 24 hours.
Also try not to swim in a pool with chlorinated water for a few days after the procedure, as chlorine dries the skin.
Avoid cosmetic treatments that may cause skin irritation.
Also avoid applying make-up for 2-3 days.
Do not touch the skin. Keep your hands away from sensitive skin after care so that skin grease and bacteria from your hands do not cause further irritation.
Give your skin time to recover between treatments. You can schedule several treatments, but leave at least a week between them.
После процедуры ешьте достаточно фруктов и овощей и пейте много воды, чтобы ваш организм и кожа не страдали от обезвоживания.
Microdermabrasion activates the natural processes taking place in the human dermis, specifically the production of elastin and much-needed collagen for the skin. It is suitable for taking care of the skin of the entire body (both face and body).
In other words, microdermabrasion is a perfect and very effective mechanical peeling procedure for the face, hands, décolleté zone, abdomen, thighs and chest.